Monday, March 16, 2009

Heal The World-by Limkokwing university

Heal The World concert at Limkokwing

More than 1,000 students will congregate at the Cyberjaya campus of the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology for a charity musical extravaganza that will also send a strong message of peace and reconciliation to the world.

The students, representing over 144 countries will sing original compositions, read poems and perform dances to draw the world's attention to the plight of displaced people all over the world, particularly the Palestinians.

The concert, dubbed Heal the World will feature a song of the same title composed by Limkokwing recently and aired repeatedly by national radio stations.

The event which is part of an ongoing humanitarian effort by Limkokwing will feature award-winning rap group, The Rebel Scum, award-nominated inspirational-rock band Melodica, and budding talents including Limkokwing starlet Ernie

A further delight for the guests will be performances by various local artistes. Making her first performance at the university's Cyberjaya campus will be Noraniza Idris belting out Malaysian ethnic music to the delight of her fans. Also making a debut at Limkokwing is the runner-up to the first ever Malaysian Idol, Dina, all set to treat her fans with her unique and powerful vocal range. Songstress Karen Kong is also set to sing her heart out fans.

Malaysian based American band, Common Culture are also ready to rock the house alongside other independent acts such as The Rebel Scum and rock & roll band Blister along with a variety of other acts ranging from Reggae acts to Electro-styled music will complete the concert.

Admission is free.

You are cordially invited to send a reporter and a photographer to cover the event.

The details are as follows:

Heal the World concert

VENUE: Limkokwing Plaza
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Innovasi 2-3, Jln Teknokrat 1/1 Cyberjaya

DATE: Friday, 13 March 2009, 7pm onwards
DA LEPAS DA PON..and here are some of the photos taken by mua. yea i noe.x menarik. just got the camera. lucky me there's an event..its just a snap for my

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ahah...sori ar xajak korg,,aku sombong sebenarnye..hahah...
ah..aku da update korg jgn nak byk bunyi...sebenanye aku malas gak nak g gig!! pg2 tu my sis tpon cz wallet die t'tggl kt aku runner la g anta kt PJ..da la ade roadblock..sial nye polis...sib baek lepas..alang2 aku g la tgk dorg nie perform..bley usya2 awek aku g la MCPA (ATTACK OF THE INDIE KIDS ) dengan m'bekalkan seketul Camere Hadi...(thx dude)..
tgk la pic kt bwh HIJAU & DICHI MICHI...STARTING FIGHT xsempat nak aku da poodah g time la..
Happy Valentine Day kt mmb2 yg tgh b'pacaran..(jgn ehem2 weh!! geli2 xpe..wakakkaka) sis da msk wad ari nie...dpt baby girl...wahh!!!!
akhirnye keluar jgk...congrats acik!!! best2!! hahahaha...



hahahah...mesti ar ade pic aku en..mane bley xde..
fisheye wan oh wan punye..pinjam..keyrel amek pic nie...
awek ramai kt sini do...mantap2!! sume abes masam blk nnt..wakakkaka..
k chow...